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Our Background

Hi there! I'm Ben from Posilemons Co, and I started this company because I like doing business! I like making websites, like the one you're on right now, online marketing, advertising, photography, logo design and managing finances, parts of running a company. All while sipping on some lemonade. I also wanted to help someone, solve a problem they had, I've done this, by making sure that one dollar out of the money we make from one bottle sold, goes straight to the organisation,, to help get clean drinking water for those who need it the most. BUT THERES ONE PROBLEM...

About: Inner_about

We need money to kickstart manufacturing, so that YOU can have some of our lemonade, and so that WE get water to who needs it most! 


Our goal is a small $1000 CAD. We will use this to order bottles, lemons, water, sugar, and to print labels for the bottles! Please help me get my lemonade into the hand of everyone!


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